
To consult with a doctor, telephone 90325185 for Dunville, or 90776886 for Shore before 12 Noon - the duty doctor will ring you back or text you, some times even A video may be organised. If needed a face to face consultation may be organised.

Making an appointment allows you to choose the doctor of your choice and helps to reduce your waiting time. A separate appointment is required for each person to be seen.

If invited to the surgery please arrive at the allocated time, preferably alone if possible, to reduce exposure and crowding. The staff will then invite you into the building by one of the front or rear doors, be sure to bring your own face covering.

It is also important to gather your thoughts before a consultation – please don’t leave important issues until the end, please try to mention all issues at the beginning.

You should also try and learn the names of your tablets, rather than just the colours, sizes and shapes.  

Urgent Appointments

These are available, but not always with the doctor of your choice. We will endeavour to see any patient within 2 working days if so needed – but this can only work if respected by patients and will be at a time of the day and with such a doctor that the Practice can organise. If you cannot get an appointment as soon as needed please ask the receptionist to organise the doctor to ring you back – give your mobile number and if the doctor cannot solve the issue over the phone he/she will organise an urgent appointment for you (this is for urgent clinical matters) and needs to be requested before 12:00.

Telephone a Doctor

The best time to ring is just before the surgery. During surgery it is difficult for the doctor to discuss matters whilst another Patient is present so leave a contact Telephone number and details and the doctor will endeavour to phone you within 24 hours if clinically important.


We welcome the use of chaperones for any examinations – feel free to bring a friend, or ask for a nurse or staff member to be present.


If you cannot attend an appointment for any reason please inform us as soon as possible in order for us to give the slot to someone else.

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