Clinics & Services


We now have a First point of Contact Physio (FCP) working in the practice. If you are aged 16+ and have a bone, joint or muscle problem you may be eligible for this service. Ask at reception for further details. 

Social Care Team

Supporting the needs of our patients and their families.

Pharmacy Team

Advice regarding medication

Cervical Smears

These are performed by our Nurse Colette .We recommend a smear every 3 years.


It is now recommended that women who are planning a pregnancy should take folic acid for three months prior to conception and for another three months after this. This has been shown to reduce the incidence of Spina Bifida. Folic acid is found in some green vegetables and available on prescription.

Respiratory Disease

Any patient using an inhaler should attend the practice nurse   for a demonstration on inhaler technique.

In House Clinics

Diabetes, Asthma, COPD and Cholesterol clinics are run by our nurse for up to date advice on diet, drugs and monitoring.

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